Most of us have been feeling cooped up in our homes following social distancing guidelines for the past 6-7 weeks, something I call shackwacky (shack-wacky). At first, it was all new to us, we had many questions like "how do I manage groceries, how do I keep in touch with loved ones, how do I keep my income flowing......." This kept our minds busy staying organized with too much time on our hands.

As time progresses, many of us are chomping at the bit to get outside, visit with friends and family but, we are still, essentially, stuck in the house. This feeling of stuckness is what I might characterize as shack-wacky. 

It is important to realize that not much has changed, from an emotional perspective, since we started this journey. What may have changed is the way we are beginning to look at our situations; roommates (husband, wife, kids, in-laws, grandparents) start becoming more annoying. That TV show that seemed like a God-send 4 weeks ago is now bugging you. Walking the dog, one more time, without being able to go to the park is feeling down-right stifling. Ordering groceries and getting whatever is chosen for you just feels limiting. We are independent creatures and our ability to choose is being compromised regularly. Let's not talk about binging on food and alcohol to numb the boredom.

So, what to do about it?

Self-discipline, self-organization, self-motivation, practicing self-love are answers to this problem. As we have more time on our hands, with limited entertainment resources, it becomes important to create routines of self-care. One person I know is writing her book at this time. Another is taking advantage of the time to purge unwanted clutter. I am studying ways to reach out to disenfranchised people in our health-care system to see if "Tapping" can be embraced by our health authority.

Try some of these ideas out and let me know what happened.

I could go on but, perhaps, this is enough for one article. I trust you will embrace some or all of these ideas and I look forward to your feedback.

I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you.

Al Rodee

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