Dawson Church, Ph.D and author or The Genie in Your Genes says “ I believe EFT to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in psychology and medicine in a century.” It can help people make huge strides in dealing with chronic or acute pain, PTSD, phobias, anger, depression, addiction, insomnia, to mention just a few debilitating conditions.
Did you know that tapping produces amazing scientifically proven results in remarkably less time than more traditional methods?
* A proven average 25% reduction in the stress hormone cortisol after just one hour of tapping, and often as high as 50%.
* A 63% drop in standard PTSD symptoms after six sessions, and even complex PTSD clients are remediated in 10 or fewer sessions vs traditional methods which can take many months or years.
* A greater than 50% decrease in anxiety and depression after EFT sessions.
* A 90% improvement in patients who received 3 EFT sessions vs a 63% improvement of participants who underwent 15 CBT sessions.
* Fast relief for symptoms that would otherwise require long term medication, counselling and psychotherapy, disability costs.
* Psychology Today, a leading scientific journal recently reported that it is now acceptable for mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists to include EFT in their treatment listings as a recognized therapy.
* Traditional health care professionals are increasingly adding EFT to their practices to complement the scope of services they currently provide.
* US Veterans Administration has given approval for VA therapists to use EFT/Tapping to their clients suffering from PTSD , depression, anxiety, pain and other conditions.
* EFT/Tapping can not only be used to help address and heal a broad scope of physical and emotional health issues, it provides the client with a powerful self help tool that can be used by anyone, anywhere. This is especially important in these times of pandemic isolation and social distancing, when stress, depression and mental health issues are on the rise.