Deeper Understanding -
Helping You and Others
Level 2 Training

Level 1 Is A Prerequisite For Level 2

Level 2 EFT training takes EFT and Ho’oponopono to a deeper level. During the workshop, we refresh our level 1 skills and then learn some new techniques devised to be more effective at helping you and others uncover their core issues or problems. Some of the ideas we will explore include: chasing the pain, ways to find core issues, working with physical “dis-ease”, more discussion of leaving ego at the door, and more in-depth testing of results.

We spend a lot of time learning how to ask effective questions in order that the client will dig deep to reveal the true reason they are feeling disconnected from who you truly are. This workshop is very interactive and volunteers are encouraged to share what’s bothering them so these issues can be healed during the day. As always, we laugh and cry and tell our stories and everything is done in a gentle and loving way. All confidences are totally respected and we have a lot of fun.

Level 1 & 2 Workshops Al Rodee

Complete 2 Day EFT Level 1 & Level 2 Workshop Series $500.00

This is a certificate program.
Level 2 certificate will be awarded at the completion of the workshop.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Al at 902-452-0473 or through email at