Ho'oponopono Workshop

Bring Clarity to
Your Lifelong Journey

Practical Application of Ho'oponopono


To Be Announced


From 12-5:30


To Be Announced

An Interactive Workshop
If you want this workshop, let us know: julilangille@gmail.com

Ho’oponopono has brought profound comfort to many of Al’s clients. He has been practicing this gentle, loving, spiritual approach since his training with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 2011.  Al has felt dramatic shifts in his daily life as well as increased growth in his business and improvements in his relationships. Many of his clients have shared some remarkable stories of change that have occurred since they learned how to do Ho’oponopono.

Al has combined Ho’oponopono with his EFT practice as have many other EFT practitioners around the world with wonderful results.

You are encouraged to join us in this workshop to learn the practical application of Ho’oponopono to bring clarity to your lifelong journey toward health, happiness, and spiritual balance. 

You will learn:

About “cleaning tools” that are infused by Spirit in order to erase problems

Prayers of forgiveness and repentance for yourself and others

The “Breath of Ha” to activate the Spirit within you

To take responsibility for everything that is in your awareness even if it seems like someone else’s fault

Why Ho’oponopono helps you grow your business, improve your relationships, heal “dis-ease” and illness